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Not Reaching your Wealth Goals? Quit Focusing on Your B.S.

by Growth-U

How your Belief Systems and Mindset Impact your Wealth Abundance

What B.S. do you have around wealth?

You know…

    + Rich people are arrogant and greedy
    + Money is the root of all evil
    + It would take too much work to be wealthy
    + It’s not safe to aim too high
    + It must be nice to drive that convertible
    + I know what to do and yet I just can’t get the help I need to make it happen
    + You need to have money to make money

What do all of these stories have in common?

They share a belief you’ve picked up somewhere along the way that is limiting your wealth accumulation. In fact, you might read some beliefs on this list, and figure there is nothing wrong with them.

You might believe (pun intended) that these aren’t beliefs, that they’re just reality.

Let’s take a step back and look at the Big Picture.

If you’re reading this article, chances are that you are not happy with some aspect of your wealth and financial wellness. You’ve likely tried and failed to make the change successfully on your own, and you’re looking for solutions.

That’s awesome! Why?

Awareness is 80% of the Battle and the Solution

Challenge your Current Beliefs

Congratulations on taking the first and most important step on the path to finally achieving your wealth goals! Before you can successfully make any change, you must first have the courage to admit that you don’t have the right answers.

If you do, you likely wouldn’t be reading this… just saying.

In our blog, “Can’t Lose Weight? Change Your Mindset“, we state that if you’re not exactly where you want to be, it’s guaranteed your mindset is not where you want it to be. If you want different results, choose a different mindset.

Your mindset is your set of attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that determine your perception of reality and your response to situations.

Once you have created a goal of what you’d like to achieve, it has to pass through the filter of all the B.S. in your life.

Your Belief Systems, that is.

The first step to wellness is to discover what your current beliefs are with respect to your goal. Ask yourself questions to uncover deep-seated programming.

What are you feeling as you ask yourself the question? Do you feel good overall or are you feeling an icky sensation in your gut? If you’re feeling anything other than good, your intuition is telling you there is underlying B.S. to clear.

Awareness is 80% of the solution and will take you a long way on the journey toward your results

B.S. Leads to More B.S.

Often — ok, most of the time, you want to jump straight to how you are going to achieve your goal. And yet you so often fail to achieve your desired results because you’ve missed a couple of critical stages along the way. If you do not take into account these two important steps, you’re going to run into more B.S.

Blind Spots, that is.

We all have blind spots to potentially successful strategies if we have limiting beliefs that we can even achieve them. So, what does this look like?

Have you ever lost your car keys? You’re running late for an appointment and rushing to get out the door. You swear you left your keys on the table, and yet you’ve looked 5 times for them there and everywhere else, to no avail. You’re getting more frantic by the moment!

Then someone else walks in as you’re scrambling around. They calmly walk over and pick up the keys in the very spot you searched 5 times.

What just happened? You’ve had a blind spot to the very thing you were looking for, and they were right under your nose all of the time! How could that be???

You may have been so focused on your fear of being late and the inability to find your keys that you couldn’t see them–they were in your blind spot.

Perhaps you had a similar experience in the past and your boss reamed you out for being late in front of your colleagues. Or maybe this was an interview for a job you really wanted, and you were afraid you would lose out if you were late.

Your mindset was one of fear and the limiting belief that something bad was going to happen.

“Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.” – Albert Einstein

Even if no one else found your keys for you, you would likely find them eventually.

I can’t count the number of times I have “lost” something only to find it later when I was reaching for something else. I could now see my lost item because I was in a different frame of mind than I was originally.

Initially, I focused on my inability to find the object, and what negative consequences might happen if I couldn’t. Later, I focused on something else and no longer had a blind spot to seeing what been in front of me the whole time.

That is how the natural Laws of Focus work.

The Four Laws of Focus

    1. What you focus on, you find.
    2. What you focus on grows.
    3. What you focus on seems real.
    4. What you focus on, you become.

– Rod Hairston, “Are You Up for the Challenge

How the Laws of Focus Work

Try this experiment. All day tomorrow, count how many red pickup trucks you see.

All of a sudden, they will be everywhere because you are focusing on them. When you focus on something, you find it and then it becomes magnified in your experience.

Not convinced and believe that more red pickups are sold than other colors? It is actually only the sixth most popular pickup color to buy. If you need more proof, pick something else to focus on the next day and see what happens.

But I have to Face Reality!

One of the biggest arguments I hear against the Four Laws of Focus is, “But I have worked so hard and I just haven’t been able to make it big. I have to face reality!”

And yet, quantum mechanics shows that you do get what you focus on. The “Two-Slit Experiment” on atoms highlights the Central Mystery of Quantum Mechanics as the perfect scientific example of this.

This experiment shows that even atoms behave exactly how we expect them to when we are observing them and then change when we’re not actively observing them.

This is called the observer effect in Quantum mechanics. Therefore, your “reality” is actually just your “perceived reality”.

You are getting exactly what you expect.

The “Observer” effect is also responsible for why your perceived reality can also be different from the person next to you. This is such a well-known bias in scientific research that the gold standard for research is the double-blind controlled study.

Not only do the subjects not know whether they are in the control or experimental group, neither do the researchers!

Consider the ancient parable of 5 blind men touching an elephant. They all feel one part of it, such as the ear or tail, and come to their own conclusions as to what it is. They each have their own versions of reality which differ from the others’ because they can only perceive a part.

In the parable, the blind men end up quarreling because they think the others are lying to them. However, the moral of the parable is that no one person is right or wrong.

They are just perceiving reality based on the information in front of them and how they are interpreting it.

It’s B.S. to Believe I can Create my Reality

The second argument I hear against the Laws of Focus is that it’s total B.S. (the brown stuff this time) to believe we create our own reality. Now, we understand that there are random factors like genetic diseases, crime or lightning that strike your life. However, you do create most of your life.

Once again, quantum mechanics has a really complicated way of explaining how we could possibly create our own reality. The Copenhagen Interpretation states that waves such as light and energy are made up of pure possibility until the last second when their pathway is chosen. Even freakier is that these possible paths appear to interact with each other.

Since we are made up of atoms and energy, it means that we are made up of pure possibility and have the ability to choose our path.

Another Form of Limiting B.S.

It always seems impossible until it’s done. – Nelson Mandela

For so long, it was considered humanly impossible for a man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes until
Roger Bannister
did just that in 1954. Ironically, as soon as he proved it could be done, other athletes began immediately achieving that benchmark too.

What changed?

Everyone now knew that it was possible whereas Bannister had believed without seeing it first. He refused to be limited by conventional thinking. In fact, he achieved the so-called impossible under the poor weather and track conditions, despite not having a professional trainer or having all of the high-tech gear we have today, and after having already worked a full day.

Under those conditions, it is amazing he was able to finish the race in a typical time, let alone achieving the so-called impossible!

For you to achieve your desired results, you need to believe in your capability to achieve that result. If you believe that everyone in your family struggles with money, you will be unable to create wealth no matter how hard you try.

Your identity, as part of that family, is that since everyone is poor, you are destined to be forever poor.

Your identity is built from the combination of your conditioning, significant emotional events you have had (like a parent declaring bankruptcy while you were a child), as well as your environment while growing up.

That’s another way of saying that you have been programmed unconsciously to focus on so much B.S. simply through your upbringing and powerful experiences you have had along the way.

The fourth Law of Focus states that what you focus on consistently becomes your identity. While it may seem daunting to move beyond all the B.S. that has piled up around you in life, you CAN do the seemingly impossible and create the life and wealth you choose.

And first, you need to believe it to see it.

Believe It to See It

This sounds cliché and yet it all starts here. Belief is simply a feeling of certainty about something at an unconscious level.

For instance, there are certain things that you just expect to happen and that are part of your reality. You know that the earth is orbiting around the sun at just the right distance to keep us warm. You know that gravity is a thing and you will fall if you jump off a cliff.

Just like Roger Bannister, you can believe that you have the capability to achieve your wealth or wellness goal. Or you can simply hope, like all of his competitors, who failed to accomplish the feat until after someone else gave them proof that it was possible.

“Hope” still contains a seed of doubt. And that doubt leads to “blind spot” B.S.

Remember, awareness is 80% of the solution to getting you on track to your desired physical, emotional or financial wellness. The awesome news is that you do create your own reality by using the Laws of Focus.

The question is whether you are doing it unconsciously or consciously.

Once you’ve identified a limiting belief, just tell yourself, “That’s B.S.” and start clearing it.