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Growth and Success from a Brush with Death

by Growth-U

A near-death experience is said to often be life-changing, as watching life flash before one’s eyes can lead to some introspection.

For Danny Bader, a brush with death caused some of his lowest lows, as well as some extreme personal growth and success. On the podcast, we discuss Danny’s past experiences with almost leaving this world, and what he has done with that traumatic experience in his new book Back from Heaven’s Front Porch.

Danny Bader’s Near-Death Experience

Danny’s experience involved him feeling as though he was leaving his body entirely, which is a common sentiment from those who have also experienced a brush with death.

Along with a friend, Danny was working on a ladder near a power line, and they ended up getting electrocuted. It was between 8 to 10,0000 volts of electricity going through the two men’s bodies. Danny barely survived, but he had to watch his friend die. While this sounds completely terrifying, he describes his demeanor as being absolutely calm and peaceful, as he knew he was crossing over to the afterlife.

His deceased friend’s brother, also working nearby, explained to Danny that he was lying on the ground in the fetal position with no respiration rate or heart rate, assumed to be dead. It was during this time that Bader had his out-of-body spiritual experience.

Dealing with the Aftermath

While Danny did walk away from this situation alive, dark times were ahead. He experienced severe post-traumatic stress and depression and even blamed himself at the time for his friend’s death.

During this period of his life, he abused alcohol and other substances, even considering inflicting harm on himself as well. A phone call with his mother revealed to him that he needed to use vision to move through this incredibly dark period of life. The thought sparked what would be some serious growth and success for Danny.

Back from Heaven’s Front Porch

While the best-selling book is fictional, Bader explains that Back from Heaven’s Front Porch is heavily based on his past experience with death.

In the story, he puts together five different principles that he regularly shares with others and refers to as a jackrabbit. Danny explains that this animal can easily see its entire environment due to the placement of its eyes, making it a perfect example for the 5 principles he wants to share with others.

Struggles are a normal part of everyone’s life, and Danny wants us to know that anything can be pushed through and conquered.
Learn more about the author and his journey on his website, or through the following sources below.

Interested in Learning More?

Danny Bader is the author of the 3 best-selling books, including Back from Heaven’s Front Porch, a #1 Amazon bestseller, which was featured in Success Magazine and recommended for “anyone who is looking to have a more fulfilling and meaningful life.” After a near death experience that left his friend dead, Danny earned real-life expertise in moving through tragedy, harnessing the power of vision to live a happier, more productive and more fulfilled life.